
Thursday, April 9, 2015

thoughts that turned into art.

sunday morning autumn
a squirrel runs alone the
faded wooden fence hopping
on the tree covered
in yellow leaves 
it's fascinating how
some leaves have 
completely turned while 
other trees hold on to 
the last reminder of 
summer the small
creature jumps from
the yellow full tree
to the all green one
looks as though he's
trying to hold onto
the warm weather as
well but the weather
has turned there's
a crisp in the morning
air my favorite time
of the year is in
full force pumpkin
spice flavored products
are everywhere trying
to enjoy this perfect 
weather before it's
covered in snow
goes way too fast

the moon is my sun
feathers are freedom
my sister is my spirit
lovers are lost
this life is a short dream
set in the hell that is heaven

how the lake
mirrors the morning
sky, all pink orange and
blue, filled with clouds
and the trees reflect
in the water how
fish jump coming up for
air like humans when we
swim. hearing the loons
talk to each other
putting my feet in the warm
morning water not
yet polluted by human
activity never being
able to capture it
perfectly in a photo
the smell or nature
pure and fresh 
everything will be okay
be thankful for every moment

you're not supposed to 
know where you're going
enjoy the road, don't 
focus on the destination
you'll miss the moments 
that actually mattered

your mind is a powerful thing
you can either let it control you
or inspire you to create a life
you never though was possible

pink clouds in the sky
driving into the city
early morning
people crossing the street
starbucks in hand
characters with different
stories on different roads
trying to make it in the
world not knowing
the whats ahead
the unknown

warm afternoon breeze
runs through my hair
sitting on the stairs
watching young girls enjoy
the remains of their childhood
"they're young" I think
not knowing their road ahead
leaves moved by the breeze
bees flying near my feet

she knew what
she wanted
in her
but what she
thought she
wanted is not
what she
truly needed

high pitch noise
ringing my ears
constantly on
never goes off
says the old man
he's lived through
so much
he's been through
the only constant
in his life
is hearing his
own scream
in his ears
ringing like a
church bell on
sunday annoying
everyone but
he's the only
one hearing

dark evening mountains
pink clouds in the sky
headlights shine ahead
thursday night traffic

brown pup with gold eyes
sleeping near the end
of the bed late at
night the only sound
is the fan blocking
out the silence of the
november night

sun glares through
the glass window
shining on the
crazy craved pumpkins
giving them a
spotlight on this
spooky night the
candy is out
pumpkins are carved
children will dress
up as ghosts
princesses and cowboys
knock on random houses
hoping the kind
strangers will hand
them a treat and 
not a trick

she didn't realize
what she dreamed
for her life was
never meant to be
realizing this truth
she thought that
most dreams in her
head were never meant
to be apart of her
reality because then
she wouldn't dream
anymore and she
would sleep with 
nothing in her head

little boy doesn't
realize how his
actions affect other
people he says he
doesn't care but
the truth is he does
he puts up a thick
wall that only those
close to him and 
all adults can see 
right through

snow is falling outside
music is playing in the
background tea helps her
throat morning in november
the little moments in the
mountains no one speaks
she just listens
relaxation at it's best
sickness and pain
want to bring her down
but moments like this
are the moments she
lives for

we were young wild
crazy one action
changed my entire
life and you're no
where to be found

she was bigger
than most but
really she was
smaller than
life itself

paradise is a place
where people
dream to be but
very little actually
get there

birds sing in spring morning
buds are growing
colors come into view
the earth is coming alive again
all is right

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