
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Before this year, I barely wrote more than a page if even that. I used to think writing was something people did if they were able to make some beautiful work out of it, while the rest of us would only write reports for school Now I look at writing in a completely new light. It's not only a place to share stories and poems, it's also a place where writers can share their voice that simply can't be shared in a conversation. I found that for me, writing allows me to put words together and turn it into something people can relate to and actually enjoy reading. So I thought for the end of 2014, I would share with you some of my favorite pieces I wrote this year. 

the day after today
a day people expect to happen
a mysterious unknown
what happens today
can effect your tomorrow

everyone has a story
but not many share
7 billion people
no one really talks
flowers in a field
all different shapes sizes colors
beautiful in their own way
but they don't know that
just as the girl wears
too much makeup
or the boy who has glasses
we are all unique
and beautiful
but no one really knows

sometimes we're not
meant to have closure
with someone, the book
was already closed before
you could finish the

love is a word
used most
but means
the least to
those who
speak it

lyrics mean more
then how they
make you feel
they make you
think about what
the writer was
feeling when they
wrote this song
what it means to
them how beautifully
the words flow
together with the
beat of the song
the beat makes you feel
one day but the lyrics
could open your eyes to
a whole other world
you have yet to encounter
seeing the lyrics as art
and not focusing on
the beat songs are
poems with a sound
presented by people who
hopefully have a connection
with the lyrics that
no one will ever know

talking is crucial in this life
being scared to speak can make everything
seem big and you're an ant trying not
to get stepped on because no one stops
and listens in this world full of chaos

Happy New Year everyone! More to come in 2015!!

'til next year.
