
Monday, June 27, 2016

Kerouac & Ginsberg

I am with Kerouac
As we sail off into the night
Underneath stars which reveal
The mad universe
Filled with too many unknowns
For one mind to hold
The road is ours
We are one with this second of time
That exists in the past
Guarded by his mind and soul
Which are no longer present on earth
But are with the stars that dazzle
Keeping us aligned with an unknown date or time

I am with Ginsberg
As we relect on this country's progress
Since he wrote words full desparation and anger 
Creating poems from his soul set on fire by rage
Disgusted at America and plead for change
We sit on a bench, seeing society all around
Discussing how the world is the same and still insane
I can feel the anger in his words as he speaks
We live in the present past, which will become our future
People fighting about the wrong topics
Children becoming the adults they grew up with
Poets of now trying to connect with the poets of the past
To find the anger people once felt
So they can put into words those feelings
Which are still present now

Written on 2.6.2016
Jack's novel On The Road: The Orginal Scroll
Allen's poem America
Inspirations for these two imaginations

Monday, June 20, 2016

Promises of a Creative Soul

I will write away my youthful days

I will observe the invisible ways of the wind and the waves

I will create realities of my own

I will jot down phrases my thoughts think of

I will pull words out of thin air like rain drops falling in late spring

Monday, June 13, 2016

Five Questions /// Love Wins


When will this chaos silent
and stop appearing to the point
of numbness permanently settling
in us every time we flip on the news


Why does this occurrence keep
happening, leaving us wondering
will change ever occur or will we be
practicing drills for the rest of our lives


How do we begin change in hopes
for a better future, so our kids never
have to ask why we didn't do anything
now when they grow up and see how
today reflected their tomorrow


Then they will be left picking up
our mess we never knew how to
quite making around us


Now is the time we have to
start a better tomorrow so
future generations never have
to know how our nation and
world feels now


Nothing in this world is permanent
Ink fades from our skin
Souls cannot stand on two feet forever
Death is a part of life
But love never dies

No matter how hard evil tries
Love will stand the test of time
Bring people together in joyous and sorrow times
It never leaves or fades

Love blows in the wind
Swims in the sea
And is stronger than you and me
We must believe
That love will succeed
Which is the key
To infinity


Monday, June 6, 2016

Speckled Wind

I don't think of you often

You're a speckle
That flies by my mind
Every now and then

When you appear in my thoughts
I think of all the things
I would tell you
All the things I've done
How I've changed since
You and I
Said our last goodbyes

You don't know me

We're strangers
On the street
With a relationship
That has burned
To ashes now scattered
In the cold wind

I wouldn't want it any other way