
Monday, June 13, 2016

Five Questions /// Love Wins


When will this chaos silent
and stop appearing to the point
of numbness permanently settling
in us every time we flip on the news


Why does this occurrence keep
happening, leaving us wondering
will change ever occur or will we be
practicing drills for the rest of our lives


How do we begin change in hopes
for a better future, so our kids never
have to ask why we didn't do anything
now when they grow up and see how
today reflected their tomorrow


Then they will be left picking up
our mess we never knew how to
quite making around us


Now is the time we have to
start a better tomorrow so
future generations never have
to know how our nation and
world feels now


Nothing in this world is permanent
Ink fades from our skin
Souls cannot stand on two feet forever
Death is a part of life
But love never dies

No matter how hard evil tries
Love will stand the test of time
Bring people together in joyous and sorrow times
It never leaves or fades

Love blows in the wind
Swims in the sea
And is stronger than you and me
We must believe
That love will succeed
Which is the key
To infinity


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