
Monday, December 18, 2017

Seventeen Thoughts About 2017

  1. This year has felt like many years in one second.
  2. We've come so far, moved all over, gone back and forth and we're only beginning.
  3. Time moves as quickly as the never-ending news cycle. 
  4. What used to be overlooked is no longer acceptable.
  5. There's more good than evil, always has been, always will be.
  6. Focusing on what matters is more important than getting caught up in meaningless distractions.
  7. Leaders who are ignorant tell lies instead of working towards what they said they would accomplish.
  8. A majority of people form opinions without doing research on the subject they're discussing.
  9. Critical thinking and analyzing is so important, especially with "fake news".
  10. We can't expect anyone to save us from where we are by refusing to step up to the plate ourselves.
  11. Those who resist ignorance and refuse to be silenced are going to change our future for the better.
  12. The shift in our culture within the last couple of months regarding sexual harassment and assault is a step in the right direction.
  13. Women are sharing their stories. We are being heard, no longer ignored.
  14. Men who have gotten away with disgusting and inappropriate behavior for far too long are finally being held accountable for their actions.
  15. There's a light at the end of the long tunnel.
  16. The tides are changing.
  17. Change is coming.

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