
Monday, April 10, 2017

Dear Moon

Your presence in late afternoon
comforts me greatly.
For I am a night owl
who can only endure so much
of the overheated fireball
during the hot days. 
You're calm,
along with the stars 
which sparkle the universe
all on their own.
I am never disheartened
by your arrival each night,
for your provide light
and a cooler earth.
When I see you, I smile.
You change with the tides
and are always beautiful
to look at, straight on.
There's no blinding to see
all the craters you carry,
floating within the universe
of our lives and in the sky.
You're the original light bulb,
the knowledge light can be seen
through darkness came through
your dim light in the dark sky.
Your presence to the east on
afternoon's like these gets me
through these hotter than hell days.
Sunsets are stunning and create
magnificent colors like paintings
on a canvas but the fireball is
overwhelming and burns out the day,
making the colors fade away.

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