"We will not go from being a nation of immigrants, to a nation of ignorance."
-America Ferrera

Unfortunately, the new White House administration barely acknowledged the peaceful protests. Not to say we protest to get their gratification or approval. But their refusal to see all of the people who peacefully marched not to have their rights taken away from them shows what we'll be dealing with over the next four years.
I'm scared for women's rights to be taken away. I'm scared for the refugees who are denied from entering this country.I'm scared for black people that are treated immorally because of their skin color. I'm scared for the latinos who feel as though America doesn't want you here (we do). I'm scared for the immigrants who are afraid their lives in America may be taken from them. I'm scared for every minority who doesn't get a say in what happens next. I'm scared for the enemies we could gain the friends we may loose. I'm scared for America, for our future looks more uncertain even when it has always been unknown.

This is not what America was built on. We're a country that's supposed to be inclusive, not exclusive. We'll meant to make friends with our neighbors, not build a wall between us.
But we must not allow fear to drive us away from fighting for what's right. This country has always been free and inclusive. That shouldn't change.
I believe in finding the positive in every awful situation.
We must have hope
I have hope that our concerns will be heard from the good people who have a say in how our country runs. I have hope in the freedom of speech and the power in numbers. I have hope in us, the American
The president serves the people, not himself or his business.
Even if we have different beliefs, it's important to stand together and fight peacefully for everyone's rights, not have them be stripped away from us, even the ones that do not personally effect you.
We shouldn't have to demand the government not take away our rights.
As the great poet and singer, Patti Smith has sung for decades now, "People have the power, people have the power."
We the people have the freedom to stand up for what we believe in. We have a voice to share, not to be silent.
Let your voice be known.
Love trumps hate.
'Til next time.
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