lights fade to black
as the last word
spoken echoes around
the crowded theater
not a sound
can be heard
they are astonished
by the experience
they've witnessed
the actor last standing
waits for a reaction
holding his breath
while reminding himself
who he is
losing himself in the
characters he plays
is what drives him
not knowing who
he is helps him
in roles
molding his personality
to match the man
whose life quickly
become his own
having always been
a lost soul
finding a role he
admires or inspires
to be like helps
him grow
taking bits and pieces
from each character
to mold the person
he wants to become
whoever the hell
that may be
clapping bursts out
like loud thunder
heard all at once
loud strong
cheering crying
people recognizing
his talent
for liking and relating
to the character they
see on stage
lights come back up
they see this man
once again
the actor who moved them
his soul found a home
he is finding the person
he wants to become
one line at a time
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