
Monday, August 31, 2015

may's poems.



thoughts of halloween
take over my mind as I
glance at the time
six more months
until pumpkins ghosts
and kids wanting
candy for strangers

although now that
the world is once
again lushes and
green, autumn
air can wait

looking through
I'm happy there's
seasons we wouldn't
appreciate one season
if that's all we had

the earth is reborn
along with flowers
and the warm
breeze of summer




american pie
sad country
no music playing
no one knows
what to say or do
but mourn the
loss of beautiful artists
creative minds
lost a part of their
brain cells that
day from overdosing
not able to accept 
the reality of today
the tragedy of tomorrow
and the rest of their lives



green leaves like lily pads
under clouds of fresh rain
sun appearing through
a gray mask

kids on the playground
second grade drama
talking like mini adults
with small brains

thursday is here
one more day until kids
go wild and adults
want to be them


snow that was
once rain falls
from the gray
spring evening sky

adults drinking booze
kids running wild
dogs freaking out

away from all
the chaos is
me and mike's
quietly surfing the
internet wasting away
my young life

eating a bad
but deadly delicious
krispy kreme doughnut
on my sister's
bed I pause
to look through
the dated white
shades at the
falling remembrance or

summer's here 
I think with
a small smile



young people shouldn't
make life altering
decisions until at least
age 30

now is the time to
create who we 
want to be and
find our way in
this messed up

see the world
write poems
drink too much
coffee at 10am
find your true friends
distance yourself from the
annoying ones

but please
don't make a life changing
decisions until you know
who you are

is being more
than being honest

it's about revealing
something you haven't
told a soul

vulnerability is one of
the scariest feelings
humans have

only one or two people
know who you are

but the only one
who knows everything
about you is the
person living your life



midnight silence
the world is calm
children are sleeping
adult's dreaming of
mistakes unmade and
coffee in the early morning

dim light messy floor
tired eyes wild mind
her body desperate to
close the chapter of
yesterday while her
thoughts are imagining
realities far beyond her
own starring people she
does not know

headphones on the bed
white fan going along
with snoring from
another room is the
only sound in her ears

she sighs lightly
happy birthday mom



cat's are meowing
they must be wanting something
birds are chirping
they must be joyful



my mind is all over
never ending
thoughts go back
then run straight
ahead like humans
in sight of danger
views with stories
words with faces
complete chaos
filled with coffee
and photos of
woods in autumn
as green leaves turn
to orange art as
they float to the
ground like feathers
blown from a soft
breeze and the sun
gets closer as the
nights greets the
day sooner than
people want and
all that's left is
the memories of
summer with the
beautiful orange
leaves that are
gone too soon



hot gray summer days
birds flying into white
marshmallow clouds with
an ocean blue sky

the world is alive
once again filled
with children laughing
and adults drinking

moments pass suddenly
yesterday was spring
tomorrow will be autumn
the cool spring nights
are now sweaty from
the summer heat
smells of campfires in the air
fireworks in our ears

a quiet night
dim lamp calm mind
reflection at it's finest


  1. Kelly- Did you write these poems? I love them. Sort of envision them song as maybe rap songs. Either way, awesome!! Keep writing!

    1. Yes I did write these! I titled it 'May's Poems' because I wrote them in May. Thank you so much for reading!!!

  2. Awesome writing Kelly. Please keep this up! Dad
