New Years Resolutions: we all have them, we all eventually break them (usually sooner than we planned).
This year I have come up with so many of them that I've forgotten half of what I thought of because I never wrote them down. So I decided that I would write all the resolutions I can think of into this post to keep both myself accountable and so can't say I don't remember what they were because I can just look in my blog.
1. Eat healthier (One of the most common resolutions people make and break within a week or two, two months top, but I never said I would stop eating sweets altogether. Just making sure that my healthy food intake outweighs my junk food intake (Oreos and Hershey's kisses are my weakness, ice cream too) instead of having consumed three cookies and one carrot. Making an effort to consume more fruits and veggies this year is crucial, raspberries anyone?).
2. Go to the gym or on a walk at least three times a week (notice how I didn't say an outlandish number like 7, because I know I would break that resolution right away. As the year goes on, that number will go up, but not setting the bar too high but high enough so I actually have to do it (by the way, I've been to the gym twice this year, off to a good start)and not be as lazy).
3. Spend less time on my computer (I think we're all guilty of this from time to time, some more than others. Saying you're only going to spend 10 minutes on something and then 2 hours later your still doing the same thing and nothing else is done. Anyone else ever experience that? Yeah? No? Maybe so? Too scared to admit it? It's okay, we all have those days.).
4. Drink more water and less soda (This one sorta goes with eating healthier one, but since it's liquids, it gets its own number. It's come to my attention that I consume more soda on a daily basis and this resolution is to change my unhealthy intake of soda to h2o. Let's see how long this lasts).
6. Procrastinate less when it comes to school (everything else in life sounds fun than actually getting my work done. As a kid, I could make up excuses on why I didn't want to do my homework, or just lie and say I didn't have any. Now as a third year college student, I wish I could say my bad habits have improved. Thankfully, I do do all of my work, unfortunately it doesn't get completed until the end of the week. However, that was my previous experiences with procrastination and this semester will be different!).
8. Go on more adventures (whether it's to another state or exploring the places around me, seeing the beauty of this world that I don't get to see everyday).
9. Use the words "never" "no" "like" "maybe" "um" "that" "I know, Dad, I know." less (we all have those words that we use over and over again, sometimes you know you keep repeat yourself, other times you don't realize until someone points it out. Well these are my words I use too much and I need to change that, starting with the word "that" right now).
10. Actually listen to what someone has to say instead of thinking about what to say next (ever have a conversation with someone and the whole time the person is speaking, you're coming up with what's going to come out of your mouth next instead of hearing what the other person is saying? Well, you're not alone. Learning that hearing what a person's saying is different then actually listening to them).
11. Talk less about myself (this one I catch myself doing all the time after I walk away from a conversation. One thing I know about myself is that I hate when no one knows what to say or just silence in conversations make me nervous for some reason. Learning to not talk about myself as much).
12. Talk less in general (realizing when to shut up and not ramble on and on about useless information).
14. Be open to anything and everything that comes my way (this one explains itself).
15. Clean my room and actually keep it clean (I can see into my room, and its cleaner than it was when I thought of this one).
16. End everyday with a positive attitude (no matter how my day went: good, bad, got stuck in traffic for two hours, the boy I watch wouldn't listen to me, I lost something that was kind of important to me, my favorite book's front cover ripped, phone fell into a puddle, it was snowing, it was too hot, my cat wouldn't come when I called him, had a headache, Starbucks didn't have the PSL because it's not autumn, I'm not in Maine by a lake or ocean, my brain can't come up with anything inspiring to write about. Whatever happened in my day, making sure to be happy when I go to sleep. Remember the little things that made me smile, instead of the little terrible things that seemed bigger than they actually were).
17. Appreciate the people around me (a lot of times, I take people in my life for granted because I think they will always be in my life. Letting the people I love and care about know that is important, no matter how old I am).
18. Go to the dog park more with my dog (I went today and thought: "man, why don't I do this more often?").
19. Continue to write whatever comes to my mind & update my blog more (Writing has become extremely important to me, it gives me a voice when my voice can't communicate what I want to say. This blog gives me a platform to say all that I want to say with no one telling me I'm talking too much. I get to write out all my feelings about a subject, and hope that someone will take time out of their day to read it).
20. Challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone (I got out of my comfort zone more than ever in 2014 and I hope to continue to push myself to challenge myself in 2015. Like my dad always says: "get out of your comfort zone and into your courage zone." Well dad, this year will be more in my courage zone than last year, so get ready!).

22. Live in the moment I'm in and never take anything for granted (People, myself included, take life for granted a lot of the time. We think that we have an unlimited amount of time, until something happens that make us realize that we took the people we loved for granted and forgot to absorb their time with them to the fullest. Realizing that we don't have forever, and I don't want to look back on my life when I'm 80 with regret that I didn't appreciate the life I had and did all the things I wanted to do (most of those things I don't know yet). Trying new things, meeting new people, take every chance I have and fully immerse myself with whatever I do).
Now, if you read all of what I just wrote, I greatly appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this long list. I know that this list is huge and there is no way I'm going to stick to all of these the entire year. However, what start out as a resolution list turned into a "self improvement" list. To remind myself to keep growing and pushing myself to the fullest (& to add humor to my life every chance I get).
Now that you've read this long list, what are your new years resolutions or how are you looking to grow in 2015?
'til next time.
(By the way, I purposely put 22 because I'm going to be 22 this year.)
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