We all have our challenges in life. If we didn't have them, we would be living in a fantasy world, not in reality. Some people can mask what they're struggling with while others cannot. There are struggles that you are born with and there are struggles that happen in your life. The struggles that come from living can be many different things: people you hang out with, decisions you make (both good and bad), addiction, weight, love, or life. The list goes on and on. The thing about these struggles is that they bring out out the negative in us, which could lead us down roads that could be very difficult to turn around.
When some people are struggling in life, they tend to mask what's really bothering them or be in complete denial. That's what they show on the outside, when really it's eating them alive on the inside. They do things to make themselves feel better and a lot of of the time, it's only making things worse. Turning to drinking, drugs, trying to focus on anything other then the real issue. It's not a healthy way to live and you're living your life avoiding what's truly bothering you. The further you go down the road of denial and masking, the harder it is to go back to the beginning.
What can we do to turn our weakness into strength?
Turn your weakness into strength. Yes I know that's easier to say then it actually is to do. For me, I used to hide my emotions from people close to me and not tell anyone what was bothering me. I used to be too scared to open up to people because I didn't want to acknowledge what I was doing was unhealthy. Years later I look back at that time in my life and realize that I am not that scared and sad little girl anymore. I am a young woman who knows not to hide my feelings from anyone and stand up for what I believe in. It took time for me to realize that I shouldn't hold my feelings inside anymore because that could lead me back down a road that's been demolished for over four years now.
How you find your strength will be up to you. Wouldn't you rather live a happy life where you don't have to mask what's really bothering you? It's okay to be weak sometimes, but find your strength in that weakness instead of wallowing in it. It'll take more than one day to fix all your problems and you may have to work on it everyday for the rest of your life. But at the end of the day, your struggles make you stronger only if you want them to. Don't focus on the bad, change it and make it good. You will be much happier, trust me.

Don't let the challenges in your life take over your life, take control of your struggles.
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