When going through a difficult time in life, I like to focus on the little things that make me smile. To look at the good in life instead of focusing on the bad. The little things that you don't realize bring you joy until you're smiling for no reason. When life is going well, you rarely notice these little things because you're not paying attention to them. But when you feel like the world is against you, the simple things that bring you happiness stand out a lot more. This has been a more difficult summer for me, in a lot of different ways. But instead of being sad about what's going on and going down a road that's hard to turn around, I look at the little things that make me smile. Here is a list of some of my little things:
- Seeing birds fly across the summer sky, reminding me that everything is going to be okay.
- Listening to Lana Del Rey in the car as loud as the speakers can play the music and blocking out the rest of the world.
- Watching my dog, Jimmy, swim and run like crazy at the dog park, having the time of his life in his little heaven on earth.
- Petting my cat, Mikey, who is a dog in a cat's body. Calling him over to me and watch him run as fast as his little legs and fat belly that almost hits the floor can take him.
- Talking with my parents about how technology works and their faces when they don't understand what I just said.
- My dad asking me how Facebook works and my mom asking me to call her phone once a day because she doesn't know where it is.
- Talking to my sister, Jackie, when she's home and getting to see how far she's come in life at such a young age. She brings me so much joy, just getting to catch up with her and seeing how she is in her busy life.
- Skyping with Lindsey, and laughing at how fat her dog is. Also talking about the Arizona heat makes me realize I'm happy I don't live there anymore. Talking for hours about every random thing possible is always fun.
- Hanging out with Alex and getting to catch up on our busy lives. It's really nice to have a friend that you can talk about anything with and know that she would never judge me about what I have to tell her. Always talking for hours every time we see each other is always a joy in my life.
- Catching up with Abbie and everything that's going on with her life. Always being jealous of her pretty accent and comparing the differences between America and England is never boring.
- Going on adventures with Cali and making memories that are unforgettable. Sharing our views on the world while driving around is always a joy.
- Catching up with friends from church that I've known for longer than I can remember is always a good time. They all have a way of making me smile.
- Going on long drives with my dog, paying attention to the open road, and looking at the beautiful mountains that never show up well in pictures.
- Babysitting Mia and Gabe. Watching them grow up right before my eyes, remembering when they were just babies and now they're almost as tall as me. Spending time with them, learning from them as much as they learn from me. Appreciating being a kid once again, but through young adult eyes. Remembering being their age, how much has changed and how much is still the same.
- Taking photos of the beautiful things in life that I never want to forget, even though the photo only captures a little bit of the beauty from the moment.
- Watching the sun set over the mountains after a long day. Reminding me that I've made it through another day. Appreciating each time the sun goes down, painting another pretty picture in the sky. Another day, another chance to do better then yesterday. Air still in my lungs, everything is right with the world.
- Watching the trees turn orange and falling slowly to the ground as the air starts changing, signaling that fall is here.
- Going to Starbucks once a week and always trying something new, waiting for the pumpkin spice latte to come out.
- Being in Maine, in the backyard at my Grammie's house, remembering rolling down the long hill as a kid thinking it's a lot bigger then it actually is.
- Walking in the woods in Maine, running away from all the bugs and seeing how beautiful the world is.
- Going to the beach, smelling the salt water and seaweed. Jumping into the freezing cold ocean water because I don't get to do it that often. Feeling the cold sand between my toes, and jumping over the tiny waves, reliving my childhood memories.
- Spending time at my Uncle's and Aunt's cabin at a lake, being out in the middle of Maine with no cell service. Escaping from the busyness of life, to eat s'mores and roast hot dogs. Having my uncle take us around the lake in his fishing boat, enjoying the quiet water and being at peace within myself.
- Always going to Mall of America when I'm in Minnesota and going on roller coasters with Jackie and my cousin, Elissa, until I'm about the lose my lunch. Having my dad pay me $30 to get over my fear of going on a roller coaster that's now my favorite ride to go on.
- Seeing how my extended family from both my mom and dad's side has grown over the years. Graduating from high school and college, getting married and having kids. Getting to catch up and make memories together that will last a life time.
- Flying to California and getting to catch up with my parent's friends, who they've known since before I was born. Seeing how much their kids have grown over the years. Walking up the steps to one of their friend's apartment, never forgetting the time I fell down and scraped up my entire knee on the red brick stairs.
- Watching my favorite shows and movies over and over again. So many times that I know every thing that's going to happen, but still cry anyway. Thank you dad for that trait of always getting emotional during the sad parts in movies.
- Reading my favorite books too many times to count, finding something new each time I read them.
- Never forgetting to be thankful for everything and everyone in my life. Who have been there with me through my good times and bad times. Remembering how far I've come in life and never take my life for granted.

Those are just a few of the little things I can think of right now. I'm sure there is a lot more of the simple things that make me smile.
What are the little things in life that bring you happiness? The things that you don't notice until something challenges you to look at life through different eyes?
When you're going through a difficult time in life, remember these little things. This will help you stay positive and not let the struggles bring you down. Something everyday makes you smile and you probably don't even realize it. Find those things in life and hold on to them. The things you love to do, the things that you see, the people you interact with. Focus on the positive in life, not the negative.