
Monday, February 27, 2017

A Burst Of Creative Energy

Work too hard
Come home late the next morning
Wonder what the point is
To make jazz no one will see
To try and achieve an absolute mystery

The point is irrelevant
Passion is magic only a few actually discover

Those who do devour themselves in absolute madness to create beautiful things
It's not a question, it's a need to produce positivity

To a world blinded by stereotypes and violent news
To bring good to those who only see bad
To have people see that peace is present
Working too hard
Wrong statement
It's living your dreams
With what you love
What drives you
What moves you
What fills you with hope

Find that one thing
And never let it go

Monday, February 20, 2017

Disagreements Between Past, Present, & Future

the past greets the present with an opened right hand, awaiting a forceful shake. / people watch as history becomes the future, repeating what has already happened. / it has always been destined. / the universe is a series of repetitions. / playing the same game with the same winning hand every time. / many see the possibility of the future moving forward, away from the ignorant past. / while some are trying to push back on evolution to go back to the unknowing past. / where people were judged by their gender, race, religion and much more. / those people were stuck living in boxes and were outright ignored. / the boxes have slowly begun to be erased over the last fifty years. / many see the value in continuing to erase the four connected lines until there's no more in sight. / while some are scared of what the world would look like if there's nothing to check. / as a society we're on the precipice and we're divided / we can either ask the universe to play a new game to leave the past where it belongs. / or continue to play the game we're terrible at / we know more now than ever before in human history. / should we continue to greet the past so gracefully? / is it because we're only now beginning to fully comprehend the ramifications of past generations? / we're understanding the need to keep moving forward. / whereas those who ignore the dark side of history are the ones who are pushing to go back. / do they not understand or are they choosing not to keep track? / the new game we would play would have it's own set of rules. / we could have a better chance at making things right. / to finally learn the lessons from the poor mistakes our ancestors' made. / working through our country's history / so that the next time the past goes to greet the present, there will be no opened right hand / there won't be anyone present to allowing the past to come back. / history's destiny has been done. / it's time to move forward. / it's time to create a new destiny.      

Monday, February 13, 2017

12:01am - 12:05am

You're not wrong
You're not right
You're indifferent

Your lack of knowledge
blinds you from what
you can't see, harming
you greatly in what's ahead
which you will not know until
it's in front of your face

Then what will your decide?

Monday, February 6, 2017

Inner Dialogue: Society Unfolding = Self Unmasking

I - Observation

People talk but no one speaks

We live in dreams of distant memories

II - Defeat

I have nothing to say

I've said all that I have needed to say

I'll leave my opinions to my private thoughts

III - Undecided

I've pictured something for so long that I can't seem to put the magic into clear words.

IV - Acknowledgement

There's not one way of being truly American

America has always been a melting pot of souls from all over the world

Creating beautiful unity amongst different lives is something we have yet to achieve

The hope for that dream is always present

V - Tiny Prayers

We pray for peace

which has not come

We pray for strength

to not leave our sides

We pray for change

that is not yet known

We pray for justice

to protect the innocent souls

VI - Encouragement

Never be afraid of who you could be

Never let anyone tell you who you can be

Never push away who you will be

VII - Strength

I will not back down or graciously allow

you to speak my words for me

I will not stay silent when the world

is full of confusion and chaos

I will not be blissfully unaware

or runaway completely scared