The moon is at her full, and riding high,
Floods the calm fields with light.
The airs that summer sky
Are all asleep to-night.
-The Tides William C Bryant
You know when I know it's officially summer? When the sounds of children playing can be heard outside my window, laughing and yelling while enjoying the summer weather. It's not a bad thing nor is it the best thing that could ever happen. School is out and I will be hearing laughter and balls being kicked into the field behind my house until August.
Goodbye quiet, hello the reminder of no longer being a child.
It hasn't felt like summer in Colorado until literally this past weekend. May has been filled with snow and rain. Rain and more rain, then even more rain to the point where people started saying we now live in Seattle. The lakes have flooded to the point where many trees are underwater and people canoe where there was once a parking lot. There was a solid two weeks this month where I would drive home from work in pouring down rain. The moments the sun would peak out from the clouds felt as though I was living in a dream where I was sure when I woke up I would hear the sound of rain falling outside my window.
I know I haven't written in the blog all last month and I apologize. You see, when I'm not inspired by something or don't have a creative urge, I choose not to post. I've been writing in my notebook and have a few poems but nothing has sparked my interest enough to share. I want this blog showcase work I'm proud of and writings I'm passionate about. We all go through ups and downs in everything that we love and want to do our best work on.
lana del rey at red rocks. || 5.12.2015
I'll leave you with this poem. I hope to share more with you soon.
the earth's magnetic pull
cannot stop leaves being
blown into the air by a
soft morning autumn breeze
the way a feather glides
through the air as though
it's being pulled gently by
a nonexistent string
closing her eyes this
thought run through
her ever present wild
mind breathing in the
silence of the stars
'til next time!
goodbye snow hello sun!!